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"What's This Stuff' Asks David Pogue" Material 7: Clue 1
"'What's This Stuff' Asks David Pogue" Material 5: Clue 1
"'What's This Stuff' Asks David Pogue Material 3: Clue 5
"'What's This Stuff' Asks David Pogue
NOVA "'What's This Stuff" Material 1 - Clue 1
NOVA scienceNOW with David Pogue
David Pogue Learns About 'Making Stuff'
NOVA | Making Stuff: How were you selected?
NOVA | Making Stuff Cleaner
David Pogue sings at NERCOMP 2012
NOVA | Making Stuff: What is the series about?
David Pogue sings at TMEA 2013